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{{Hint|The following sections are described using NextLevel as this is the most common binding, however, other similar hierarchy manipulations exist, such as ParentLevel or LinkedLevel, which shall be individually described further on.}}
<span style="color:white">for search: next level</span>
== The ContentViewModel(s) ==
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
== What is: NextLevel (and other similar bindings) ==
The above (when used on a content area or item) will show the value of a property (MP_PROPERTY) that is located on an object linked to the current object via GUID property (LK_LINKED_OBJECT).
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
== Why is NextLevel not recommended? ==
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
== Recommended Usage ==
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
==== LoadNextLevelCommand ====
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
== How To: ==
{{Version/WinXSince|4.0}}Examples of these bindings can be found in UBIK standard templates, such as in the UBIKObjectIndicators template found in [[Developer_Mode#XAML_Files|UBIKThemes]]. The ControlTemplate called 'UBIKObjectIndicators' found in UBIKThemes customizes various indicator symbols that are visible on item templates, or under the title on the header of an object. It has three sections with; MRO data, Object status (eg. Deleted, Locked, has Changes, etc.) and Object data (distance, children, documents).
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
=== Show Properties and Property details ===