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HowTo:Organize UBIK Development

294 bytes added, 11:28, 25 July 2023
/* Dividing the project into tickets */
Effort can be estimated both on task-level and on more abstract levels: For every task, three estimates are provided by the team (optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic), and for every milestone, we can calculate respective sums from the individual tasks. Then, we can use PERT for the final estimate.
= Dividing the project into tickets Project Structure Plan =
{{UBIK}} projects can be large, and it is desirable to split them into a hierarchy of smaller parts or tickets.
This makes it easier to track the overall progress and to delegate work to project engineers.
It also allows you to model the dependencies relations between tasks and to do plan them in the correct orderchronologically, taking dependencies into account.The result is called a Project Structure Plan, and it should be possible to reflect it on a Gantt chart.
Tickets can be managed with any Issue Tracking or Project Management system.
Only after review and acceptance with respect to the definition-of-done / acceptance criteria, should the User Story be considered finished.
[[Category:Best Practices (internal)|Organize UBIK Development]]
[[Category:How-To|Organize UBIK Development]]
[[Category:Resources (internal)|Organize UBIK Development]]
= Requirement Supply Chain =