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/* The ContentViewModel(s) */ Expanding explanation of ContentViewModel, after feedback from CLE.
To understand NextLevel, it is important to understand the various content viewmodels visible when navigating through UBIK.
<b>The ContentViewModel is the basis for every viewmodel that deals with a single object in UBIK. </b> As the 'baseclass' for object viewmodels in UBIK, this [[XAML_Basics#MVVM_Pattern|viewmodel]] exposes the most important properties (like IsLocked or BranchSyncState), commands, object data (like Title and SubTitle), MetaData (like Classifications), and certain collections (like PossibleChildren or (Meta)Properties that have been added in UBIK Studio).Several viewmodels derive from this one baseclass and inherit all of its functionalities, but the data they each is configured to deliver varies additional data. What each viewmodel delivers is based on their intended usage, and this is why, at times, customizings require expanding the scope of delivered data (for example, through use of NextLevel) to present something that is not delivered by default.
[[File:ContentViewModeldiagram.jpg|400em]]<br>The above image When browsing to an object, the user is a initially met with the Content<b>mockupPage</b> that shows Developer Mode ViewModel, a highly expanded derivate of the ContentViewModel. This expanded viewmodel forms the base for Level 1 and Level 3 superimposed over each otheran entire object-page in UBIK. It attempts contains all of the data available to illustrate that object, which can also be housed within sub-viewmodels, such as the relationship between the ContentPageViewModelMROViewModel found on task-related objects, essentially or the GeoDataViewModel. If the single object represented has any children, these will be delivered by the ContentPageViewModel as the Children.Items collection; a collection of all objects (that are not documents) found 'pagebeneath' this object, on the next hierarchy level, displayed as a child list in UBIKthe standard UI. However, and it is important to note that the individual ContentListItemViewModels which represent each child items displayed in this list are not fully-fledged objects with all the same functionality as the current 'parent' object, but limited representations of its childreneach child.
When browsing to an object, <br>If the user is initially met with the ContentPageViewModel. This contains all of the data available to that objecthas any children, which can also be housed within sub-viewmodels, such these are shown as the MROViewModel found on MRO-related objects. One collection found on the a list of Content<b>PageListItem</b>ViewModel is the Childrenitems.Items, a collection of all of This viewmodel derives from the objects found 'beneath' this object, on ContentViewModel to present the next hierarchy levelonly most significant information of each child object. In the standard UIThis way, these are displayed in the work required to load a child page (including the list, howeverof its children) is reduced. Among other things, the items displayed in this list Children and Document collections are examples of data <b>not fullly fledged objects with all </b> delivered to the same functionality as the current 'parent' objectContentListItemViewModel, but limited representations and this is why it is not immediately possible to show the children and documents of each childlist item in a standard UI.
<br>[[File:ContentViewModeldiagram.jpg|500px]]<br> The Contentabove image is a <b>ListItemmockup</b>ViewModel was designed that shows [[Developer_Mode|Developer Mode]] Level 1 and Level 3 superimposed over each other. It attempts to present illustrate the only most significant information of relationship between the ContentPageViewModel, essentially the single 'parent' object that forms the basis for a child objectsingle 'page' in UBIK, such as properties (like, IsLocked) and MetaProperties, data (like Title, and SubTitle) and metadata (like added Classifications). This way, the work required to load children while navigating is reduced. Among other thingsindividual ContentListItemViewModels, Children and Document collections are examples which represent each of data <b>not</b> delivered to the ContentListItemViewModelits children in a limited way.
[[Category:XAML|Object hierarchy in XAML: NextLevel, ParentLevel, LinkedLevel]]
== What is: NextLevel (and other similar bindings) ==
Accessible from: ContentListItemViewModel