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HowTo:Implement Custom Filtering

135 bytes added, 13:19, 20 June 2023
Added info about a Known Issue and Workaround
This page will first describe the basic implementation of a single dynamic input, then describe how to allow for multiple inputs, and finally, how to combine multiple dynamic inputs with static, predefined criteria.
However, keep in mind that for simply dynamically filtering child objects based on single or multiple property values, this complex customizing is not required. Instead, this technique gives the possibility to create multiple collections based on the same child collection, each with individual filters that do not interfere with each other, or else to create filters based on dynamic inputs for Properties or Documents, which are not handled by the Content-Based Filtering functionality.
{{Attention|This implementation will not work when parts of it, such as the Input fields, are hosted in a ListView header or footer template, as this content is not readable by the rest of the page and will return a "Can not find the object referenced" parsing error.}}
== Known Issues ==
=== Text Input in ListView Header Template ==
This implementation will not work when parts of it, such as the Input fields, are hosted in a ListView header or footer template, as this content is not readable by the rest of the page and will return a "Can not find the object referenced" parsing error.
To workaround this, you need to move the Input control out of the header template.
== See also ==
[[Category:Client|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:WinX|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Filtering|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Styling|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:WinX|Custom Filtering]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Custom Filtering]]