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UBIK WinX Client Basics

139 bytes added, 14:29, 14 June 2023
/* Guid editor */
[[Category:WinX|UBIK WinX Client Basics]]
==== = '''Guid editor ''' =====
[[File:Guid_property_dialog.PNG|thumb|border|alt=Guid property editor dialog|Guid property editor dialog]]
When clicking an editable Guid property, you will see a dialog with up to 3 extra buttons added (see image):
;* View Object
:This button will be enabled when there is a valid guid assigned to the property. Clicking this button will immediately navigate to the referenced object.
;* Edit Property
:If the property has a valid FilterQuery assigned to it, clicking this button will launch that query. If no FilterQuery is assigned, this button will be invisible. Although the button is clickable in Multi Select mode, it is currently inoperable.
;* Clear Property Value
:If the property has a guid assigned, the user can press this button to reset the value back to empty.
[[Category:Client|UBIK WinX Client Basics]][[Category:How-To|UBIK WinX Client Basics]][[Category:WinX|UBIK WinX Client Basics]]
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