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Version 3.7.1 (Server)

34 bytes added, 07:35, 25 April 2023
** Initial release.
* 3.7.1 Build 15481 on 2023.03.07
* 3.7.1 Build 15534 on 2023.04.13
** Checkout feature was extended providing a [[SYCLS_CUSTOM_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS|Custom Exclusive Access classification object]]
* 3.7.1 Build 15xxx on 2023.0x.xx
** Null or empty string values can be processed when importing to reference proxy properties. The link will be updated as null (no reference).
** Checkout feature was extended providing a [[SYCLS_CUSTOM_EXCLUSIVE_ACCESS|Custom Exclusive Access classification object]]
* 3.7.1 Build 15??? 15534 on 2023.0?04.??13
** UBIK Database Kernel is now able to process double.NaN, double.NegativeInfinity and double.PositiveInfinity. The resulting database value will be db null.
** Importing a proxy which refers to itself does not create a 2nd (broken) proxy with the same external primary key. The proxy reference (to itself) is correct now.
** Hotspotting - Flattening annotations into a rotated pdf adapts the annotations accordingly now.
** Hotspotting - Merging a broken Hotspot Thumbnail does not destroy the original pdf any more.
* 3.7.1 Build 15??? 15534 on 2023.04.??13
** An issue when importing handshake files from Comos is fixed now.
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