[[SYSCLS_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION|Authentication Properties]] are properties which need a user authentication (through a password field) to be edited.
==== Live value properties ====
If editing the property in a query page without having to go through the dialog is desired, one can customize the boolean variable "SkipQueryDialog" in UBIKThemes.xaml. If none can be found, simply add the following line into its "Default" ResourceDictionary.
<source lang = "xml"><x:Boolean x:Key="SkipQueryDialog">True</x:Boolean></source>
This functionality is currently not available for editing common properties in the Multi Select mode.
=== Documents ===
{{Hint|Double tapping on a document toggles the display between "Fit to width" and the fit mode that document is configured with.}}
==== Customizing Possibilities ====
== See also ==