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Version 3.7.1 (Server)

88 bytes added, 17:26, 19 January 2023
** if objects have the SYSCLS_SORTEDITEM classification, they are sorted by their GroupID, followed by their OrderID, followed by their display strings.
** if objects don't have the SYSCLS_SORTEDITEM classification they are sorted by their display strings only.
* UBIK Hotspotting - Freetext Annotations support chinese characters when flattening them into pdf now
** a new method SupportChineseCharacterSet() is available on the AnnotatedDocument()
=== Bug Fixes ===
* Password Information does not get shown in the Object Explorer any more
* A database fix (executed during update to database version 3.7.1) solves the problem of unit - symbols being cut off
* UBIK Hotspotting - Freetext Annotations support chinese characters when flattening them into pdf now
= Build History Web Service =