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Multi Select (UBIK Client)

252 bytes added, 13:22, 10 October 2022
/* Selection */
[[File:UBIKCPLXUI_MultiSelect1.JPG|thumb|Multi Select mode (XAMARIN)]]
By default, all objects are deselected when the Multi Select Mode gets invoked. Items can be selected by tapping on them. Therefore, navigating into an object in the related objects list by tapping on them it is no longer available. To be able to navigate again, the Multi Select mode needs to be exited.
To select or deselect all items, <code>MultiSelectViewModel.SelectAllCommand</code> or <code>MultiSelectViewModel.DeselectAllCommand</code> can be used as command binding. These options are not yet included in the XAMARIN UI. In UWP, there are some additional selection options further to the above mentioned "Select All" and "Deselect All" buttons. Selecting or deselecting a bunch of items in a row can be achieved by holding shift and first clicking on the first required item and then clicking on the last required item. [[Category:WinX|Mass Edit (UBIK WinX)]]
== Performing Actions on selected items ==