{{Hint|The exclusive access aspect of a content object only contributes in the overall locking status (combined with other factors, e.g. [[User_Rights]] using logic or). In other words, an object can still be locked when you have exclusive access to it.}}
== Check out and release ==
{{Attention|Fulfilling these conditions does not necessarily guarantee the success of a check out or release. Eventually the server decides whether exclusive access can be granted or not. Example reasons of failure can be multiple users requested exclusive access in parallel and only the first one gains it, or server side customizings can add more condition checks.}}
== Branch download and check out ==
When downloading a branch, there is now a second option to check out all downloaded content afterwards. Note that the previously mentioned [[#Applied_conditions|conditions]] still apply, those that do not fulfill them will simply be skipped.
== XAML customizing ==
Details of exclusive access related information of the context object are available in ContentViewModel.ExclusiveAccessInfo, and can be inspected using the [[Developer_Mode#Browsing_the_ViewModel.2FContext|developer mode]].
==See also==
* [[MRO_Objects_(Client)]]
[[Category:Client|Exclusive Access Content (Client)]]
[[Category:Version 4.1|Exclusive Access Content (Client)]]
[[Category:WinX|Exclusive Access Content (Client)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Exclusive Access Content (Client)]]