,/* CaptureMediaCommand */
{{Hint|The KeyValueList parameter is supported only {{Version/WinXSince|3.8}}{{Version/XamarinSince|1.2}}. In previous versions, simple string parameters were supported.}}
{{Attention|Whether the creation succeeds also depends on the server configuration. For example, if "*.mp4" is not included as a selective list item in the [[SYSCLS_FILEDOCUMENT|file type]] meta property, video document creation will not be possible. Similarly, audio document creation requires a file type "*.wav" to be included in the selective list.}}
* MediaCaptureMode: Photo, Video, Audio. Defaults to Photo if unspecified;
* ChildMetaDefUid: The Guid of the child meta definition to be used for creating the captured media document. If unspecified, the client will simply pick the first child meta definition that is of media type and is allowed under the current context/parent object.
== Miscellaneous ==