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HowTo:Configure Dynamic Selective Lists

71 bytes removed, 23:00, 29 December 2021
* Add the "QCS_DYN_SL" to the scope list of your ACM context.
* Add the "DynSL" instance to the infrastructure list of your ACM context.
{{Hint|Because every Dynamic Selective List is also an Offline Query technically, it's recommended to read the details about [[Offline_Query_(UBIK_WinX)|Offline Queries]].}}
== Goal 2: Create items for the Dynamic Selective List ==
{{Hint|Multiple criteria with different dependencies are supported. It is also possible to omit the dependency class restriction, so the closest object with the dependency property (ignoring the meta class) is used as dependency.}}
{{AttentionHint|A criterion property (like "MP_SECURITY_CLEARANCE" in our example) on the Dynamic Selective Items also has to appear on the Dynamic Selective List scope, because technically, an offline query is used in the background. It's recommended to read the details about [[Offline_Query_(UBIK_WinX)|Offline Queries]] to understand this.}}
== Releasing the ACM meta definitions ==