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Map View (Xamarin)

943 bytes added, 08:47, 13 December 2021
== Group, Building & Level ==
The way Geo POIs can be grouped and displayed accordingly in the map view is exactly the same as in the [[POI_View_(Xamarin)#Group.2C_Building_.26_Level|POI view]]. In addition, other types of map content like map overlays & shapes can also belong to groups, buildings or levels. The displaying of them follows the same rules.
== Context Object {{Version/XamarinSince|1.3}} ==
When you execute the NavigateToMapPageCommand from a context object (e.g. ContentViewModel, ContentPageViewModel, ContentListItemViewModel, etc.), the map view will be opened with that context object. This includes:
* Entering necessary POI groups, buildings or building levels so that the context object is visible on the map;
* Taking the geo location of the context object as the current location and, therefore, centering the map around it;
* Selecting the POI for the context object automatically. (Once you start interacting with the map by e.g. entering another building, the selected states will most likely change.)
{{Attention|Unlike executing the NavigateToMapPageCommand from a place without a context object, doing so with one will additionally check the validity of that object, namely if it at least [[SYSCLS_GEO|has geo information]]. If not, the command will be disabled.}}
[[Category:Client|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Version 1.1|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Map View (Xamarin)]]