== Quest Log ==
The Quest Log is a panel that can hold a list of tasks and work packages for the user. It can be opened from the system menu and is located centrally below the users natural field of view. By pressing the work package items in the list users can navigate into the work package and see its content. By default the Quest Log follows the user and stays in its dedicated position, but it can also be placed by the user manually.
== Tasks ==
Tasks are visually represented similarly to POIs, however the functionality is different. A Task gives feedback about its completion status, its value, and its position. Users can also interact with a task to change its value and completion state. Additionally a Task holds information about what needs to be done to complete it. This can be done in the Form of documents (Image, video, PDF) and text. To place a Task, users can select a Task from the Quest Log and use the menu button to open the context menu of the Task.