<tab name="UWP">
They are accessible as DataTemplates from the TemplateService UBIKThemes.xaml (use the [[Developer_Mode]] to see where this is availablefind the default copy) and the syntax in XAML is <code>{Binding TemplateService[StaticResource TEMPLATE_NAME]}</code>. Just like other such templates, they can be customized by providing your own TEMPLATE_NAMEoverriding the DataTemplates with respective keys in UBIKThemes.xaml files.
<tab name="Xamarin">
They are accessible as DataTemplates from UBIKThemes.xamlx and the syntax in XAML is <code>{DynamicResource TEMPLATE_NAME}</code>. Just like such templates, they can be customized by providing your own DataTemplate resources (with the names keys of TEMPLATE_NAME) in UBIKThemes.xamlx.
* String/Text: named as UBIKPropertyDirectItemString.
* Integer: named as UBIKPropertyDirectItemInt.
* Double: named as UBIKPropertyDirectItemDouble.
* Boolean: named as UBIKPropertyDirectItemBool.
== PropertyViewModel ==
This is used in a ListView-like control where item templates should be specified, in this case property item templates specifically. It determines the different DataTemplates to be used for direct editing PropertyViewModels according to their property types. For types that have default {{UBIK}} direct editing support, the template names follow the pattern of "UBIKPropertyDirectItemXXX" where XXX is the type name, e.g. String, DateTime, List, etc.