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148 bytes removed, 11:52, 29 April 2021
/* Conditional statement */
==== Conditional statement ====
If / Or statements can also be evaluated using C# syntax.
In this case, if the result of the "Condi" parameter is true, namely if the context object's MP_STATUS property value equals to 10, P0's value will be displayed in the Label, otherwise P1's value will be displayed.
<tab name="UWP">
If / Or statements can be evaluated using the C# syntax.
In this case, if the result of the P0 expression is true P00's value will be displayed in the Textblock, if P1 is true P10's value will be displayed.
<source lang = "xml">
<Grid xmlns:ctrls="using:UBIK.WinX.Controls">
<ctrls:EvalExpression x:Name="Evaluator" Expression="Condi == true ? P0 : P1" Context="{Binding}">
<ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="Condi" Value="{Binding Values[MP_PP_STATUSMP_STATUS], Converter={StaticResource EqualToTrueConverter}, ConverterParameter=10}" />
<ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P0" Value="State1" />
<ctrls:EvalExpressionParameter Name="P1" Value="State2" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=Evaluator, Path=Result}" />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=Evaluator, Path=Result}" />
<tab name="Xamarin">
If / Or statements can also be evaluated using various C# syntax.
In this case, if the result of the P0 expression is true P00's value will be displayed in the Label, if P1 is true P10's value will be displayed.
<source lang = "xml">
<Grid xmlns:ctrls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL">