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5,425 bytes removed, 15:44, 3 February 2021
== Behaviors ==
== Properties ==
* ViewModel** CurrentDateTime: the current date and time** UserName: the current user name** Self: the viewmodel itself** AppStatus: the appplication status view model * Content** PropertyItems: Collection of all the content's PropertyItems, each accessible via a string indexer specifying the property ID.** IsLocked: true, if the content islocked - false, if not** IsReadOnly: true, if the content can be read only - false, if it is writeable** ValueSeries: the value series, if {{Hint|The previously listed available** MROViewModel: if the content is an MRO related content, this is the sub view model properties for MRO** GeoDataViewModel: if the content represents a geo object, this binding is the geo sub view model** MetaDefinition: the meta definition of the content object** Possible Children: collection if meta defintions the user can create new child content with** ClassificationHandler: a classification handling object** Content: the actual content object embedded in the viewmodel** Icon: the content icon as a byte array** HasIcon: true, if content object has an icon - false, if not** Title: the content objects title** SubTitle: the content objects sub title** OrderId: the order id of the content** GroupId: the group id of the content** DownloadEnabled: true, if download is enabled - false, if not** IsNewObject: true, if the object is created removed from here. Since it's more accurate and not yet saved by the user up- false, if not** ToCommit: true, if the object is yet to be committed by pressing save - false, if not** OfflineDate: date of the last offline download** ToSave: true, if the object is yet to be saved by pressing save - false, if not** ToEvaluateQuery: true, if a new query can be evaluated by pressing use the sending the query** ActionOverlayExpanded: true, if the action overlay is expanded - false, if not** DeletionAllowed: true, if deletion of the object is allowed - false, if not** RevertLocalChangesAllowed: true, if reverting the object is allowed - false, if not** IsPictureChildCreationAllowed: true, if the creation of a picture child is allowed - false, if not** PropertyItems: Collection of all the Content's Properties (all properties loaded when binding is triggered) - accessible via the property ID * GeographyList** ItemsSortedByZLevel: true, if the current items are sorted by z level - false, if not * PolygonItem** FillColor: the fill color of the polygon** FillTransparency: the transparency if the polygon filling * MRO** ProjectData** ParentViewModel** Progress** Weight** TechStatus * TaskOwner** OrgaStatus** IsConfirmed * Task** IsBooleanTask** IsInspectionTask** IsProgressReportingTask** IsMeasurementTask** Value** PropertyItem** DisplayValue** PreviousValue** Unit** NotAppliccable** IsTaskFinished** IsValueMIssing * WorkPackage** WPOrgaStatus** CanConfirm * AlternativeNonDocumentChildrenList * AppStatus** Initializing** UserAuthenticated * Authentication** LandscapeImage** PortraitImage** LoginState** LoginType** IsLoggedIn** ShowLoginButton** EnableLoginButton** ShowTeamLoginButton** EnableTeamLoginButton** ShowLogoutButton** EnableLogoutButton** ShowTeamLogoutButton** EnableTeamLogoutButton** StatusText** SplashImage** AppVersion** SyncModes** ContentServiceConfigs** KeyValues** Profiles * BuildingItem** IsValidGeo * BuildingLevelItem** IsSelected** LevelName** LevelShortName** Index** Height** IsValidGeo * BuildingLevelList** LowestLevelItem** ItemsSortedByLevelDescending * ChangedObject** IsSelected * ChildAppBar * ChildrenList** Content** [[Property_Based_Content_Filters|FiltersDeveloper Mode]]** [[Property_Based_Content_Sorting|Sorting]] * ContentChangeAware * ContentDetailsPage** DocumentScanMode** LastScannedText** LastScannedImage * ContentListItem** CachedPreviewDetails** PreviewDetails** SubDocuments* ContentList* ContentPageViewModel* ContentSelectorDialog** IsOpen** SelectionText** SelectedContent** IsOK * Dialog* DocumentChildrenList* DocumentListItem* DocumentPage* EditDialog* GeoContentList* GlobalAppBar* GlobalStatusBar* ListViewModel* MapGeoContentList* MapOverlayItem* MapOverlayList* MapViewModel* NonDocumentChildrenList* OverlayedPOIGroupItemItem* ParentBaseViewModel* POIBaseViewModel* POIGroupItemItem* POIGroupItem* POIItemViewModel* POI* PreviewPage* PropertyListItem* PropertyList* QueryDetailsPage* RootContentList* RootPage* Scan* SearchResultListItem* SearchResultSelection* Search* TeamLoginto inspect them in your version of the clients.}}
== Commands ==
{{Hint|The previously listed available commands for binding is removed from here. Since it's more accurate and up-to-date to use the [[Developer Mode]] to inspect them in your version of the clients.}}
* ViewModel** [[NavigateToURICommand]]: Navigate to an URI (e.g. open a web page or a file === Examples for commands with a known file path)** [[LaunchDocumentByReferenceCommand]]: Launch a file document in an external viewer by specifying the reference property ID or the document's UID (Version 2.6.37+)** [[ShowMessageBoxCommand]]: show a message box with customizable text and title (Version 2.6.37+)complex parameters ===
* Content==== MediaCaptureCommand ====** [[NavigateToDetailsCommand]]<tabs>** [[NavigateToChildrenCommand]]<tab name="UWP">** [[NavigateToDocumentCommand]]<source lang = "xml">** [[RevertLocalChangesCommand]]<Button** [[DiscardContentCommand]] ...** [[DeleteContentCommand]] xmlns:controls="using:UBIK.WinX.Controls"** [[SaveAndCommitCommand]] Command="{Binding DisplayViewCommand}">** [[SetPropertyValueCommand]] <Button.CommandParameter>** [[SetPropertyValueAndValidateCommand]] <controls:KeyValueList>** [[EvaluateQueryCommand]] <controls:KeyValueParameter Key="MediaCaptureMode" Value="Video" />** [[CaptureMediaCommand]] <controls:KeyValueParameter Key="ChildMetaDefUid" Value="d3603793-9ab6-4576-8248-776677267c25" />** [[ShareContentCommand]] </controls:KeyValueList>** [[ExpandActionOverlayCommand]] </Button.CommandParameter>** [[StartFileEditingCommand]]</Button>** [[ViewPropertyValueCommand]]</source>** [[EditPropertyValueCommand]]** [[CreateChildItemCommand]]** [[CreateChildItemsCommand]]** [[ActivateReferenceByScanCommand]]** [[ActivateReferenceCommand]]** [[ContinueReferenceByScanCommand]]** [[SetActiveReferenceCommand]]** [[CancelReferenceCommand]]** [[LaunchDocumentByReferenceCommand]]</tab>
* GenericPropertyItem<tab name="Xamarin">** [[ShowValueRecordsCommand]]<source lang = "xml"><Button* ChildrenList ...** [[SortByPropertyCommand]] * ContentListItem** [[PreviewPropertiesCommand]]** [[PreviewDocumentsCommand]]** [[ShowSingleChildDocumentCommand]]** [[ClearPreviewDocumentsCommand]] * ContentList * ContentPageViewModel** [[BranchDownloadCommand]]** [[DiscardCommand]]** [[SetPropertyValueForAllChildrenCommand]] * ContentSelectorDialog * Dialog * DocumentChildrenList * DocumentListItem** [[ShowDocumentCommand]]** [[StartRedliningCommand]] (Version 2 xmlns:classes="clr-namespace:UBIK.6CPL.37+)Classes;assembly=UBIK.CPL" Command="{Binding DisplayViewCommand}">* DocumentPage <Button.CommandParameter>** [[StartRedliningCommand]] <classes:KeyValueList> <classes:KeyValueParameter Key="MediaCaptureMode" Value="Video" />* EditDialog <classes:KeyValueParameter Key="ChildMetaDefUid" Value="d3603793-9ab6-4576-8248-776677267c25" />** [[OKPressedCommand]] </classes:KeyValueList>** [[ResetPressedCommand]]** [[CancelPressedCommand]]** [[ChangeEditorModeCommand]] * GeoContentList * GlobalAppBar * GlobalStatusBar * ListViewModel * MapGeoContentList * MapOverlayItem * MapOverlayList * MapViewModel * NonDocumentChildrenList * OverlayedPOIGroupItemItem * ParentBaseViewModel * POIBaseViewModel** [[ShowDirectionsCommand]]** [[ShowDrivingDirectionsCommand]]** [[ShowWalkingDirectionsCommand]]** [[UseGeoPositionCommand]]** [[NavigateToContentCommand]]** [[OpenPOIGroupCommand]]** [[ExitPOIGroupCommand]]** [[EnterBuildingCommand]] * POIGroupItemItem * POIGroupItem * POIItemViewModel** [[RefreshCommand]] * POI * PreviewPage** [[ReloadChildListCommand]] * PropertyListItem** [[ViewPropertyValueCommand]]** [[PropertyClickedCommand]]** [[PropertyRightClickedCommand]]** [[PriorityPropertyClickedCommand]]** [[PriorityPropertyRightClickedCommand]] * PropertyList * QueryDetailsPage * RootContentList * RootPage * Scan * SearchResultListItem * SearchResultSelection * Search * TeamLogin </Button.CommandParameter>** [[AddMemberCommand]]</Button>** [[DeleteMemberCommand]]</source>** [[TeamLoginCommand]]</tab>** [[CloseDialogCommand]]</tabs>
{{Hint|The KeyValueList parameter is supported only {{Version/WinXSince|3.8}}{{Version/XamarinSince|1.2}}. In previous versions, simple string parameters were supported.}}
* MediaCaptureMode: Photo, Video, Audio. Defaults to Photo if unspecified;
* ChildMetaDefUid: The Guid of the child meta definition to be used for creating the captured media document. If unspecified, the client will simply pick the first child meta definition that is of media type and is allowed under the current context/parent object.
== Differences between Xamarin and UWP ==
As you maybe already noticed we have two different clients, one is WinX UWP and the other one Xamarin, which is used to develop clients for three different platforms namely iOS, Android and new UWP (-> it doesn’t really differentiate from the previously mentioned UWP except it’s developed in a different framework which is Xamarin in this case). The customizing stays the same in case of the syntax, but there are some differences in the naming of controls and attributes. Unfortunately, there is no decent documentation of these differences, but the Microsoft documentation and in general the internet can support you when searching e.g. for a control in Xamarin that you used in UWP.
More specific documentations about Xamarin Customizing can be found under [[Xamarin XAML]].
== Namespace changes ==
* [[XAML Basics]] <br>
* [[XAML Best practices]]