The Plugin exposes several methods through the classes ''Annotating'' and "HotSpotting" that can be used in {{UBIK}} customizing code.
= Annotating (write annotation to revision) =
Example script for the {{UBIK}} [[Debugger|Whobert]] that shows the basic capabilities of the Plugin.
UBIK.Document.DocumentClass sourcedoc = obj.Environment.UBIKDataFactory().ContentObject(new Guid("a847ab9f-1e4c-42ed-933f-833fb8d69b5e")) as UBIK.Document.DocumentClass;
Debugger.Output(this, "*** Finished");
= Annotating (write annotation to original document) =
Example script for the {{UBIK}} [[Debugger|Whobert]] that shows the basic capabilities of the Plugin.
<source lang="csharp">
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using UBIK.Kernel;
using UBIK.Compiler;
using System.Linq;
using UBIK.Module.HotSpotting.Module;
using UBIK.WinX.HotSpotting.Models;
using UBIK.WinX.HotSpotting.Common;
namespace Studio
public class ObjectTest
public void TestObject (params BaseClass[] InVariables)
BaseClass obj = InVariables[0];
UBIK.Document.DocumentClass sourcedoc = obj.Environment.UBIKDataFactory().ContentObject(new Guid("a847ab9f-1e4c-42ed-933f-833fb8d69b5e")) as UBIK.Document.DocumentClass;
// create an instance of the Annotated Document wrapper
UBIK.Module.Annotation.AnnotatedDocument pdf = new UBIK.Module.Annotation.AnnotatedDocument(sourcedoc);
// write annotations to pdf file
// True => clear annotations property afterwards
pdf.Save(); // save original document with cleared annotations property
Debugger.Output(this, "*** Finished");
Debugger.Output(this, "*** Finished");
= Annotating (old API) =
Example script for the {{UBIK}} [[Debugger|Whobert]] that shows the basic capabilities of the Plugin.
<source lang="csharp">
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using UBIK.Kernel;
using UBIK.Compiler;
using System.Linq;
using UBIK.Module.HotSpotting.Module;
using UBIK.WinX.HotSpotting.Models;
using UBIK.WinX.HotSpotting.Common;
namespace Studio
public class ObjectTest
public void TestObject (params BaseClass[] InVariables)
BaseClass obj = InVariables[0];
UBIK.Document.DocumentClass sourcedoc = obj.Environment.UBIKDataFactory().ContentObject(new Guid("a847ab9f-1e4c-42ed-933f-833fb8d69b5e")) as UBIK.Document.DocumentClass;
var annotating = new Annotating();
//Load the Inking imformation from the UBIK document
InkingLayer[] ann = annotating.Load(sourcedoc);
//If we have an Image, merge trhe inking directly into the picture
if(annotating.GetAnnotationFileType(sourcedoc) == Annotating.AnnotationFileTypes.Image)
if(annotating.UpdateRedline(ann, sourcedoc))
//sourcedoc.MP_CREATE_PDF = false;
//If we have a pdf, create a subdocument (redline) first and merge the inking into the version rather than the original
else if(annotating.GetAnnotationFileType(sourcedoc) == Annotating.AnnotationFileTypes.PdfDocument)
if(annotating.CreateRedline(ann, sourcedoc, "REL_FILEDOC_REDLINEDOC"))
//sourcedoc.MP_CREATE_PDF = false;
Debugger.Output(this, "*** Finished");