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Map View (Xamarin)

9 bytes removed, 16:57, 2 November 2020
Similar to the [[Map_View|map view on our other {{UBIK}} clients]], the Xamarin version displays Points of Interest (POI'sPOIs) and other objects with Geo information on world maps.
= Base Map =
On the base map, {{UBIK}} can display different kinds of content with Geo information.
== Geo POI's POIs ==
For each object carrying [[SYSCLS_GEO|Geo coordinates]], {{UBIK}} displays a map pin on the map accordingly. The object's icon (if any) is also included in the map pin.
Like in the [[POI_View_(Xamarin)|POI view]], you can select or deselect POI'sPOIs. The options available on selected POI's POIs are described in section [[POI_View_(Xamarin)#Interact_with_POI.27sInteract_with_POIs|"Interact with POI'sPOIs"]].
== Map Overlays ==
== Group, Building & Level ==
The way Geo POI's POIs can be grouped and displayed accordingly in the map view is exactly the same as in the [[POI_View_(Xamarin)#Group.2C_Building_.26_Level|POI view]]. In addition, other types of map content like map overlays & shapes can also belong to groups, buildings or levels. The displaying of them follows the same rules.
[[Category:Client|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Version 1.1|Map View (Xamarin)]]
[[Category:Xamarin|Map View (Xamarin)]]