/* Geo POI */
== Geo POI ==
For all objects carrying [[SYSCLS_GEO|Geo coordinates]], a POI is displayed at the respective coordinates. The app calculates their the object's position relative distances and orientations to the device. Based on that information, POIs are displayed for those that are visible to the user in 's and shows a similar way objects are perceived by us in POI approximately where the real world.user would see the actual object through the camera, taking the following into account:
* The closer/further an object is, the bigger/smaller the POI gets;
* Once too far away, the POI is not shown;
* Those that are behind/above/below the user/device are not shown.
The UI look and feel of these POIs can be customized in UBIKWorldViewItemArea.xamlx. [[Category:Client|POI View (Xamarin)]][[Category:Version 1.1|POI View (Xamarin)]][[Category:Xamarin|POI View (Xamarin)]]
== Optical POI ==