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Smart Studio Beta History

439 bytes added, 06:09, 16 July 2020
/* Release Candidate (2020-07-15) */
* An issue where the list of meta properties of a metaclass wasn't displayed/refreshed correctly was fixed.
* Improved the stability of the immediate window. Hint: Clearing the immediate window resets it in case it gets stuck somehow.
* Fixed a bug where an open code snippet editor remained open but empty after restart
* Fixed a bug where an ACM picker could only be shown once in the IDE
* Improved the performance of the Output window
New features:
* The Output window's automatic scrolling behavior is now paused when clicking into the window; this allows for examining messages while logging is still ongoing
* Local debugging through Visual Studio with WebService version 2.6.3 does not work properly, please use a newer version instead!
[[Category:Smart Modelling|Smart Studio Beta History]]
== Release Candidate (2020-07-01) ==