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UBIK Enterprise Service

1,879 bytes added, 07:30, 10 July 2020
// }";
string MethodParametersAsJson
==== UBIK.EnterpriseService.WebInterface.Client ====
In order to consume this new interface you can use the UBIK.EnterpriseService.WebInterface.Client which is a .Net client library that you can include in your project. It is also included in the standard UBIK installation and can be used from within UBIK.Studio.
==== UBIK.EnterpriseService.BasicClient.App ====
Another possibility is to use UBIK.EnterpriseService.BasicClient.App which is a stand-alone application that uses the aforementioned library internally. This application can be used in the Windows Task Scheduler to schedule executions. In order to use this application you will need to configure it in its accompanying UBIK.EnterpriseService.BasicClient.App.exe.config file. This xml file has an “appSettings” section with three entries:
* BaseAddress: This is the base address on which the EnterpriseService hosts its WebInterface. You can find it in the appsettings section (WebInterfacePort & WebInterfaceHost) in the UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config file of your EnterpriseService installation path. The default value is http://localhost:9000
* PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFile: This is a file path to a json file that contains all parameters needed to execute a task. As an example:
<source lang="xml">
"SSPI": false,
"SQLUser": "user",
"SQLPassword": "pwd#1",
"SQLServer": "augserver",
"SQLInitialCatalog": "UBIK.DEV",
"MethodFullName": "Namespace.Class.Method",
"MethodParametersAsJson": "{
\"MyNumberProperty\": 4,
\"MyStringProperty\": \"TESTDATENBANK\"
* PathToBasicEnterpriseServiceRequestJsonFileList: It may seem overly complicated to add a file path that contains itself again paths to the actual request-files. But if someone wants to enqueue a couple of tasks this file will become utterly cluttered. Also it orders the task requests.
== Configuring {{UBIK}} EnterpriseService ==