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UBIK Enterprise Service

1,931 bytes added, 07:22, 10 July 2020
== Web Interface ==
Since version 3.5.0 UBIK.EnterpriseService supports a new web interface. Since the EnterpriseService already provides a file based interface which can be used to execute code or workflows we added an interface that is backward compatible so that not only tasks but also workflows and code (Note: The code must derive from UBIK.Interface.UBIKInterfaceBase and implement IUBIKImport and/or IUBIKExport) can be enqueued via this interface.
=== How to consume the web interface ===
First of all the address of the webinterface to a certain action follows a specific pattern: "api/{controller}/{action}". For example, that means if you want to call the GetUpTimeInfo() method to see wether the WebInterface is online or not you will have to do a GET request to [http://localhost:9000/api/basicenterpriseservice/getuptimeinfo].
By default the WebInterface allows you to enqueue tasks in the same way the command file based interface does described in here: UBIK_Enterprise_Service#XML_Command. Additionally it implements a new feature, namely the possibility to enqueue a task. A task is an abstract concept and describes something that needs to be done by UBIK. A task must have an entry point which must be a .Net implementation of a method. There are two ways for UBIK to identify a task to executed: Either you provide the full class name (Namespacename.Classname) and the methodname or you provide the full class name make the class implement the UBIK.ServiceTask.TaskExecution.ITask interface. You can also provide parameters to your task. These parameters must be a json serialized string. It is then the responsibility of the implementation of the task itself to deserialize the json string to an object. Finally you will need to tell the EnterpriseService on which database/UBIK project you want it to execute the task on. Overall the parameters to enqueue a task by the WebInterface must be as follows:
== Configuring {{UBIK}} EnterpriseService ==
Since Version version 2.6.3 UBIK.EnterpriseService it is now possible to mark a command file as processed, delete a command file or do nothing once a command file is processed. This behaviour needs to be configured in the UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config configuration file. The following values are valid: Do Nothing = 0, Mark as processed with ".processed" = 1 and Delete = 2. The setting-key "ConsoleRunMode" defines whether UBIK.EnterpriseService will start the UBIK.Console either Normal = 0, Hidden = 1, Minimized = 2 or Maximized = 3.
Since Version 3.5.0 UBIK.EnterpriseService is now able to host a WebInterface. In order to have the WebInterface up and running you will need to start the UBIK.EnterpriseService and by default it will host the WebInterface at http://localhost:9000/. We added three new parameter settings in UBIK.EnterpriseService.exe.config to configure the WebInterface: