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XAML Basics

23 bytes added, 09:18, 28 April 2020
/* Templates */
A '''<span style="color: orange">Control Template</span> ''' describes the visual appearance and structure of a control. All of the UI elements have some kind of appearance as well as behavior, e.g., Button has an appearance and behavior. Click event or mouse hover events are the behaviors which are fired in response to a click and hover, and there is also a default appearance of button which can be changed by the Control template.
A '''<span style="color: green">Style Template</span> ''' describes a uniform look to a set of controls. Styles give us the flexibility to set some properties of an object and reuse these specific settings across multiple objects for a consistent look.
A '''<span style="color: blue">Data Template</span> ''' defines and specifies the appearance and structure of the collection of data. It provides the flexibility to format and define the presentation of the data on any UI element. It is mostly used on data related Item controls such as ComboBox, ListBox, etc.
'''Style/Control/Data Definition in UBIK''' <br>
In the UBIK surrounding we have a UBIKThemes.xaml file for our Client which describes a lot of style/control templates and colors etc. These are also configurable for our customizers, so they can adapt it to each project. But this process got more and more complicated, you just couldn’t have an overview of the things that you changed and the things that are here by default.
In order to avoid such cases we created a new way to adapt this particular file. The process would look like this, you copy the style/color/control and create a new UBIKThemes file where you place the things you want to customize. The client will go over the default UBIKThemes and after that over your customized one, the default templates will be replaced -> identified via x:Key, so be careful to have them identical.
== Namespaces ==