* More UI parts are now fully customizable.
** The status bar as ''UBIKGlobalStatusBar.xaml''.
** The bottom bar as ''UBIKGlobalBottomBar.xaml''.
** The login/start page as ''UBIKStartArea.xaml''.
** The document child page as ''UBIKDocumentAreaUBIKContentArea.xaml''.
** The details page as ''UBIKDetailsArea.xaml''.
** The document page as ''UBIKDocumentArea.xaml''.
* It is now possible to use external Bluetooth RFID Readers to scan [[RFID_tags#tab=WinX_External_Scanner|RFID Tags]] in UBIK.
* The not found offline query criteria are now ignored.
* An [[XAML_Tips#InvokeOnItemsCommand|InvokeOnItemsCommand]] is now available to execute a specified command on list items.
* Added the [[SYSCLS_3DMODELCLASSIFICATION|Archive3DModelClassification]] to enable downloading 3D models including additional files like textures.
* By default, the selective items are now sorted alphabetically in the ascending order based on their display texts. However, one can [[Version_3.6_(WinX)#Customized_Sorting|customize the sorting]] as well.
=== Enhancements ===
** Added a {{key press|Edit UBIKThemes}} button for fast and easy access to the custom/default UBIKThemes.xaml file, see [[Developer_Mode#XAML_Files|details here]].
* Improved the performance and responsiveness when loading large lists.
* Added a toggle setting to turn on a strict template loading policy to help customizers spot potentially [[Developer_Mode#Missing_template|missing templates]].
=== Bugfixes ===
* Fixed an issue where OCR Definitions ("TAG_Chars.xml) generated through the experimental ''TagReader'' App could not be used by the client anymore
* Fixed an issue where OCR letters with holes (e.g. O, B, 8 etc.) were misinterpreted
* Fixed an issue where UBIK was crashing the app crashed when repeatedly opening the GuidEditor guid editor using the PropertyWizardproperty wizard.* Fixed an issue where configured barcode formats for were not read correctly from the profile, thus the App app always used QR Codes codes only, after restart.
* Fixed an issue in the back navigation behavior in the type browser of the developer mode.
* Fixed an confusing filtering behavior in the type browser of the developer mode.
* Fixed an issue where branch download containing a large number of document files was extremely slow.
* Fixed an issue where some localized texts were not used.
* Fixed an issue where the {{key press|Cancel}} button in the [[Developer_Mode#XAML_Files|XAML overwrite dialog]] did not work.
* Fixed an issue where the app did not properly navigate to the object when a user clicked on items in a zoomed out list.
* Fixed an issue where the app always displayed the zoomed in list view even if a user switched to the zoomed out one in the same app session.
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= Build History =