/* {{UBIK}} SmartStudio */
Step-by-step, this is how you achieve that starting from scratch:
# Make sure there is are a {{UBIK}} Environment including a database and functioning web services, as well as a content object you want to show on the mobile client.
# Open a new Application Graph worksheet.
# Add a Application by dragging it into the worksheet from a picker (existing Apps) or the toolbox (new App).
# Configure a root Query for the Context by dragging a Query into the worksheet from a picker (existing Queries) or the toolbox (new Queries), and connecting it to the Context, using its root objects input connector. This means, the query finds all instances to show on the root level of the app. The Context must have a compatible scope connected to it in order for the instances to be displayed correctly.
# If you want an object to be shown as the child of another on the mobile client, use a relation or link property to connect the two. This relation or link property can then be configured in a connection between two compatible Scopes.
# Save the application graph to the desired {{UBIK}} Environment, using the toolbar menu bar or context menu.
# Release the meta definitions in the Environment worksheet.
# Restart the web services.
[[Category:Client|Make an Object appear on the Mobile Client]]
[[Category:How-To|Make an Object appear on the Mobile Client]]
[[Category:Publishing|Make an Object appear on the Mobile Client]]
=== See also ===