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49 bytes removed, 08:50, 3 October 2019
The two below examples show how one might use both methods to create a User symbol.
{{Hint| Notice that both of the examples make use of the <I>ctrls</I> namespace, and will not work unless the following namespace is declared in the XAML; xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL"}}
====In-AppName Usage:====
In the below example, <code>Glyph="{x:Static resources:UBIKIcons.User}"</code> is used to call the <I>User</I> symbol.
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL" >
Glyph="{x:Static resources:UBIKIcons.User}"
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
xmlns:controls="clr-namespace:UBIK.CPL.Controls;assembly=UBIK.CPL" >
<controls:GlyphLabel Glyph="&#x22;" HorizontalOptions="Center" />