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Xamarin XAML

1,419 bytes added, 07:59, 26 September 2019
<code>[App Installation Path]/LocalState/xaml/</code> (on Windows)
A list of predefined templates (all starting with UBIK) can be overwritten. The overrides will be loaded during the startup of the app.  {{Hint|All default XAML resources that can be overridden are included in [[File:UBIK.Xamarin.Resources.zip|this package]]. '''Please place ONLY those that you want to customize under the XAML folder. And in the case of UBIKThemes.xamlx, please keep ONLY those resources that you want to customize there.'''}}
== Important ==
= Advanced =
== Feature related ==
=== Search ===
In the default UBIKMenuArea.xamlx (where the search UI is hosted), there are two commands associated with two events. See below.
<syntaxhighlight lang="xml">
<SearchBar ...>
Command="{Binding FreeTextSearchCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding Path=Text, Source={x:Reference SearchField}}"
EventName="SearchButtonPressed" />
<behaviors:EventToCommandBehavior Command="{Binding DelayedFreeTextSearchCommand}" EventName="TextChanged" />
<br />
The one for <code>SearchButtonPressed</code> is responsible for executing searches after the user confirms the input (e.g. pressing {{{keypress|Enter}}} or the search button).
<br />
The one for <code>TextChanged</code> is responsible for the "search as you type" behavior. Namely it triggers an automatic search shortly (half second) after the user stops changing the text in the search bar. It can be turned off by simply removing that particular behavior.
== Performance ==