/* Browsing the ViewModel */
=== Browsing the ViewModel ===
When pressing the button with the name of the ViewModel, {{UBIK}0 will open a browser that allows you to explore all it's public properties, methods and commands. Tapping on a member will browse a level deeper. Tapping on the button on the left side of the member name, will trigger the following:
* If the member is a property ({{key press|P) }} or method ({{key press|M)}} , its path will be copied to the expression field on top of the browser and its result will be instantly evaluated* If the member is a command ({{key press|C) }} the browser will navigate to its respective Execute method. Tapping the button of the Execute method will invoke the command
The expression field also allows direct input of an expression to be evaluated.
== Other features ==
By hitting {{key press|F5}}, all templates on the currently displayed page will be forcefully disposed and reloaded. So if a customized XAML template file was changed, this change will be immediately reflected in the UI.