/* Technical background */
** The memory allocated to {{UBIK}} is running low;
** Offline preparation is finished with branch(es) downloaded.
* On Android {{Version/AndroidSince|2.4.0}}: Initially all properties are loaded without property values. Once property values are requested, they are loaded on demand.* On WinX{{Version/WinXSince|2.5.4}} and Android{{Version/AndroidSince|3.0.0}} : In general, properties and property values are only loaded on demand. However, those that are classification related are loaded initially so that certain classification-based calculations do not lead to all other properties being loaded as well. Since the information regarding which properties should be loaded initially is stored in the database , it is recommended to have a clean installation. WinX{{Version/WinXSince|2.5.4}}, it is recommended to have : If a clean installation. Howeveris not possible, the app will still function if an old database is found. In that case, the first login will take a much longer time and the database will be automatically upgraded afterwards, which could take a couple of minutes depending on the amount of local content. [[Category:Client|Lazy Loading (Client)]]
== See also ==