/* Android */
The Location Manager aims to calculate the device pose (position and orientation) as accurate as possible using various input sources. The performance of pose e-stimation estimation can be characterised by the following measures:
• Accuracy --> describes the average offset between real and estimated device pose
| Routing-Graph Snapping || Position || none
Besides the stated systems, the user can utilize the position of GEO-Objects by clicking the {{key press|Use Location}} button in the [[UBIK Client Basics#Context Menu|Context Menu]]. Pose estimation is started once the device pose is requested by another part of the application (e.g. [[POI_View|POI View]], [[Map_View|Map View]], [[UBIK_Client_Basics#Content Browser|Content Browser]]). If the specific device does not possess the required sensor technology of an active pose estimation system, a notification is shown.
[[Category:Android|Location Manager]]
[[Category:WinX|Location Manager]]