==== Editing{{Version/WinXSince|2.5.4}} ====
[[File:UI_WinX_EditDocumentButton.png|thumb|Button to edit a document]]
For [[SYSCLS_EDITABLEDOCUMENT|editable documents]], there is an {{key press|edit}} button in the bottom app bar. It allows the user to edit a document file using the default app of the OS. If a file is changed during the edit, the same {{key press|save}} button appears just like it does for a content with changed properties.
{{Hint|Similar to saving, other app features also apply on edited documents. For example, reverting local changes for an edited document will throw away the changed document file and restore it to the server version.}}
[[File:UI_WinX_EditDocumentOverlayButton.png|thumb|Edit button in thumbnail overlay]]
An alternative way to start editing is to right click on a document's thumbnail, which brings up an overlay of buttons, and then select the {{key press|edit}} button. The difference here is that there is no {{key press|save}} button and any changes are automatically saved (and committed if in online mode).
== AR Features ==