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Live Value Server (Plugin)

459 bytes added, 11:56, 3 August 2016
{{UBIK}} Live Value Server Plugins can be Servers read data from different types of server providing live data, for example from a process control system. This feature is provided by {{UBIK}} plugins injected to an existing system. Once configured accordingly the live value servers fetch the data from the external servers and publish the values directly to the clients, bypassing other {{UBIK}} using web services or the [[Injection Management]]customizing. Hence, all such values read and published to the clients are far more accurate but not available in the {{UBIK}} customizing.
== Available Live Value Server Plugins ==
=Introduction = Implementation == Requirements ==
The plugin must implement the '''UBIK.Injection.IUBIKLiveValueServer''' interface and has to be registered for MEF composition by defining the export contract via attributes.
   == Example == 
<source lang="csharp">
== See also ==