/* Task */
==== Check Task ====
[[File:UI_WinX_MRO_CheckTask.png|thumb|Unfinished MRO CheckTask (WinX)]]
A [[MROCLS_MRO_CHECK_TASK|Check Task]] inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK|Task]] and is finished, when the user reports with a positive or negative answer or ''Not Applicable'' (e.g. reporting a yes/no answer for existing equipment).
==== Inspection Task ====
[[File:UI_WinX_MRO_InspectionTask.png|thumb|Finished MRO InspectionTask (WinX)]]
[[MROCLS_MRO_INSPECTION_TASK|Inspection Task]] inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK|Task]] and is finished by reporting ''Done'' or ''Not Applicable''. This is intended for a simple To-Do task that is either done or not.
== See also ==