The representation of MRO features comprises some indicators and interactive controls. In the {{UBIK}} child list, the main object displays cumulated technical and organisational status as well as the overall work progress based on the underlying data branch. Objects classified as MRO objects in general provide indicators for the MRO status. This means the status is shown next to the main icon of a child-/details-/documents-page as well as next to the icons of the child list items:
The technical status indicator is shown on all objects that represent a technical state or receive the technical status from subsequent objects in the underlying data branch. If e.g. a inventory object is reported as damaged, its parent objects will all display the exclamation mark symbol to indicate that a problem was reported in the child items.
File:UI_WinX_MRO_OrganisationalStatusIndicator.png|MRO Organisational Status Indicator (WinX)
File:UI_WinX_MRO_WPConfirmedIndicator.png|MRO Workpackage Confirmed or Task Locked Indicator (WinX)
The work progress is shown on all objects that represent the current work progress or receive the work progress cumulated from subsequent objects in the underlying data branch. This indicator shows the amount of work done in the data branch.
== MRO Objects ==
A set of specific objects can be used to provide the required structure for MRO:
=== Task Owner ===
A [[MROCLS_MRO_TASKOWNER|Task Owner]] is an object having a substructure of jobs to be done. It can have a tree of other task owners or work packages underneath that will update the status of the task owner. This status consists of technical, organisational and progress information. With a task owner a user can get an overview of all the work to be done in the underlying job structure.
{{Attention|The MetaProperty ''VALUE'' has to use [[Attributes]] in order to be validated. Otherwise, the calculation of work progress will not be possible.}}
==== Measurement Task ====
A [[MROCLS_MRO_MEASUREMENT_TASK#|Task]] Inherits inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#|Task]]. This task and documents a measured value (e.g. read from a pressure gauge). Therefore, clicking the value on the shown task opens an editor to enter the desired numbervalue. If no value was entered before, an empty line will be shown. Once a value has been entered, the task is finished. Alternatively, the task can also be closed by the option "''Not Applicable" '' to document the situation of not being able to fullfill the measurement (e.g. the pressure gauge is broken). An additional small value indicator below the main value can report e.g. the previously entered value. The behaviour of this previous value indicator has to be specified separately in the customizing of UBIK.
File:UI_WinX_MRO_ChildItemMeasurementTask_Empty.png|MRO Measurement Task without a reported value (WinX)
==== Progress Task ====
[[MROCLS_MRO_PROGRESS_TASK# | Progress Task]] Inherits inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_MEASUREMENT_TASK#|Task]]. This task type and reports a certain progress while fullfilling a task. The progress will influence the overall progress of the owning workpackage. If the task cannot be fullfilled, it can also be finished with the option "''Not Applicable"''.
File:UI_WinX_MRO_ProgressTask.png|MRO Progress Task with a reported work progress (WinX)
==== Check Task ====
A [[MROCLS_MRO_CHECK_TASK#|Check Task]] Inherits inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#|Task]]. This task type and is finished, when the user reports with a positive or negataive negative answer or "''Not Applicable" '' (e.g. reporting a yes/no answer for existing equipment).
File:UI_WinX_MRO_CheckTask.png|Unfinished MRO CheckTask (WinX)
==== Inspection Task ====
[[MROCLS_MRO_INSPECTION_TASK#|Inspection Task]] Inherits inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#|Task]]. This task and is finisher einter finished by reporting "''Done" '' or reoprting "''Not Applicable"''. This is intended for a simple To-Do task that is either done or not.
File:UI_WinX_MRO_InspectionTask.png|Finished MRO InspectionTask (WinX)