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MRO Objects (Client)

1 byte removed, 08:43, 23 June 2016
/* Measurement Task */
A [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#Task]] is an object reporting a certain progress to the owning workpackage. There are several specialized types of task objects.
===== Measurement Task =====
A [[MROCLS_MRO_MEASUREMENT_TASK#Task]] Inherits from [[MROCLS_MRO_TASK#Task]]. This task documents a measured value (e.g. read from a pressure gauge). Therefore, clicking the value on the shown task opens an editor to enter the desired number. Once this is done, the task is finished. ALternatively, the task can also be closed by the option "Not Applicable" to document the situation of not being able to fullfill the measurement (e.g. the pressure gauge is broken).
===== Progress Task =====