# Once the Admin mode is enabled you can add a new file extension by creating a new row and setting a description, name and value<br/>[[File:UI_HowTo_Add_a_file_extension_06.png|880 px|border|alt=Create a new Selective Item for a new file extension|Create a new Selective Item for a new file extension]]<!--
-->{{Attention|The value of the new item must include the extension in the format *.wmv!}}
# Now you have to relate the new item to the list of known file types: first, browse to the MetaClass [[SELECTIVELIST]] within the ''{System.List}'' namespace and connect the list named ''FILETYPE'' with the {{Relation Editor}}. Second, relate the new Selective Item to this list.<br />[[File:UI_HowTo_Add_a_file_extension_07.png|220 px|border|alt=Selective List for FILETYPES|Selective List for FILETYPES]] [[File:UI_HowTo_Add_a_file_extension_08.png|220 px|border|alt=Related FILETYPES|Related FILETYPES]] [[File:UI_HowTo_Add_a_file_extension_09.png|220 px|border|alt=Add a new file type|Add a new file type]]<br/># Save the changes with {{Attentionkey press|Please do not forget the save button.Ctrl|S}}or the save command
# [[HowTo:Release_MetaDefinitions|Release the new MetaDefintiions]]
# Restart the [[HowTo:Configure_Microsoft_IIS_for_UBIK|web service]]