/* Locked objects */
==== Locked objects ====
In some cases it might be useful to lock objects until the user varifies that he is to be near to these objects. This can be done with the [[SYSCLS_UNLOCK_BY_SCAN | SYSCLS UNLOCK BY SCAN]] classification ({{Version/AndroidSince|2.5.2}}).<br/>Objects Instances of MetaClasses with implementing this classification can only be edited after the object gets unlocked. The unlocking can currently happen by scanning any type of code (QR-Code, Barcode, ID-Marker, RFID, OCR), which is related to the desired according object. After a given amount of time (default=15min) the object gets locked again. <br/>
Take care that objects which have the [[SYSCLS_UNLOCK_BY_SCAN | SYSCLS UNLOCK BY SCAN]] classification also need properties(e.g. QR-Code Property) allowing the user to unlock these objects.<br/>
If an object is locked, it is not possible to edit its properties. Furthermore context actions like redlining or editing of documents, geo teach-in and deletion of the object on the server is not possible.