The Login Object holds the necessary information for managing logins to {{UBIK}}. A login represents a possible connection from a user in a certain use case.One User user (Personperson) can have severall several logins. The , whereas each Login Name name must be unique. It is possible to define a password for every single Login.A Login can be marked as Admin - Loginhaving administrative rights.
The name from of the Login object.{{Attention|The name of a Login Object object must not include a "\"<br/>({{Version/ServerSince|2.5.0}})}}
==Domain Name==
==Login Name==
Unique Name - Identifier identifier of the login a Login object.<br/>The login object consists per default ofvalue is:<br/>'''Domain Name + "\" + Name'''
{{Hint|If you enter a value matching this pattern, the domain name and name of the login Login are set automtically!<br/>({{Version/ServerSince|2.5.0}})}}
{{Attention|The Login Object object may only be saved as if the Login Name name is unique!<br/>The Login Name name must not include more than one "\"!<br/>({{Version/ServerSince|2.5.0}})}}
It is possible to set a password for a Login. Whenever a connection to {{UBIK }} is established, the connectioninformation connection information (Login-Name name and Passwordpassword) is validated according the settings of the Login object. If no password is defined, every password for the given Login is valid.
{{Hint|If you want to use the multi -tenancy feature, you must link the login Login to a consumer Consumer belonging to a tenant!<br/>({{Version/ServerSince|2.5.0}})}}