/* Context Menu */
From the Context Menu, actions can be triggered that are relevant for the currently viewed object.
E.g., the creation of a child element or showing this object in another view.
==== Support ====
Opens the configured support app, e.g. the Visocon Xing app.
==== Take Picture ====
Opens the camera activity and creates a new document object for the resulting picture.
The new object is opened in a view for editing.
==== Create Object ====
Opens a selection dialog for possible child Meta Classes, creating an object for the user's choice.
The new object is opened in a view for editing.
==== Geo Actions ====
Opens a selection dialog for several geo-related actions.
===== Edit Geo Data =====
Opens an editor for the geo location of the current object.
Allows to use the device's current location for teach-in.
===== AR Navigation =====
Opens the AR navigation activity in order to navigate to the current object using augmented reality.
===== Show in Map =====
Opens the Map activity, showing the current object.
===== Use Location =====
Uses the current object's location for positioning; applies the position for the device's location management.
==== Download Branch ====
Downloads the current object and all children and switches to offline mode.
==== Delete Actions ====
Provides several actions for reverting or removing the current object.
===== Discard local Object =====
Deletes the object locally.
===== Delete Object on Server =====
Marks the object for deletion on the server.
===== Revert Changes =====
Undoes all local changes for the current object, resetting it to the last known status from the server.
[[Category:Client|UBIK Client Basics]]
=== Root objects ===