,'''O'''ptical '''C'''haracter '''R'''ecognition, abbreviated as OCR stands for "Optical Character Recognition" and means , is the automatic text recognition using a respective algorithm on an image (originating from a live camera feed, for example).
{{UBIKClient}} clients s are capable of OCR for the sake of identifying objects ({{Version/AndroidSince|2.5.0}}).
== Preconditions ==
* On '''Android ''' devices, the {{UBIK}} SmartClient app providing the OCR scanner has to be installed (see release portal).
* For Android, {{UBIK}} objects to be found by OCR tag have to be classified as such, using the [[SYSCLS_OBJECTWITHOCRTEXT|Object with OCR Text Classification]].
* For the Windows 8 client until version 2.4.3, the optical code classification must be used instead. In later versions, the same classification as for Android will be used.
* The object to be found has to be available on the device, since online search currently is not enabled for this feature.
Attention|The {{UBIK}} SmartClient and its OCR scanner are still in an early development state. Don't expect the feature to be perfect yet!
== Usage ==
=== {{UBIK}} Android ===
== See Also, there is a new ==* [[HowTo:Configure_Start_Screen_Content|configurable start screen button]] for OCR ({{Version/AndroidSince|2.5.0}}).