
Mobile Free Text Search

90 bytes added, 19:02, 27 May 2015
/* Search behaviour */
==== Search behaviour ====
If you specify a search date, you probably don't mean a moment in time exactly that millisecond, but rather something like "On on that day" or "during this hour".
Therefore, the free text search will always search for the time span you didn't specify concretely. E.g., if you search for "2015-05-27", every result containing dates for this day will be found.
Also, a pure text search for your input will be done additionally.
By the way, this means that you also can specify dates the way your UBIK objects do, because it might match at text-level even without the search understanding your date input.
[[Category:Android|Mobile Free Text Search]]
[[Category:Search|Mobile Free Text Search]]
=== Numbers ===