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HowTo:Configure Dynamic AR Content

439 bytes added, 13:36, 23 April 2015
/* Displaying 3D objects */
3D objects can be displayed using the ''<GeometryAction>'' tag. The sub-tag ''<GeometryResource>'' defines the content and the parameters for displaying the 3D object.
==== UBIK-UID Tag ===
Just like the UBIKObjectAction, this action allows the usage of a optioanl UBIK-UID tag, specifying the ID of a UBIK object.
If it is specified, the respective object is linked to this geometry; else, it is tried to find an object with a marker classification and the geometry action's tracking ID for it's marker id value.
When the user clicks on the geometry, a dialog is opened for the linked object (if found).
==== GeometryResource Tag ====