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UBIK Push Web Service

15 bytes added, 16:37, 12 March 2015
/* Configuration */
== Configuration ==
=== Service ===
The {{UBIK}} Push Service is available since Version 2.3.1.As the Push Service uses the same configuration as the {{UBIK }} Content service it is recommended to configure the Push Service in the same folder as ''UBIKContent.svc.The File 'UBIKPush'.svc' contains the basic definition of the service:
The File ''UBIKPush.svc'' contains the basic definition of the service:
<source lang="xml">
<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true" Service="UBIK.Service.UBIKPush" CodeBehind="UBIKPush.svc.cs" %>
=== Endpoint ===
The Endpoint of the Push Service must be configured in the Service ''service'' section of the ''Web.Config '' file: 
<source lang="xml">
== Web Service Interface ==