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Design object-oriented data models

121 bytes added, 15:54, 7 May 2012
*Use Polymorphism and inheritance at its best
Start your object model with the definition of “Metaclasses”a [[Metaclass|Metaclasses]], which derive from UBIK’s internal classes and can hold own and inherited “Metaproperties” [[Metaproperty|Metaproperties]]” and attributes[[Attribute|Attributes]]. These Metaproperties specify the features of your classes and have various configuration options. They are always strongly typed, can be [[Format|formatted]], checked against [[Rule|rules]], [[Multilanguage|multilingual ]] or generally [[Index Property|indexed]], and can, of course, also hold dimension [[Unit|units ]] and calculate with them in real time. After the definition you will be able to derive [[Contentclass|content objects ]] from your Metaclasses, which will inherit all those specifications and hold their distinctive values.
*Define arbitrary relations between objects