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IC CLASSIFICATION.gif AR-Content Translation Classification
Inheritance none
Namespace System.Classification.AR
ID {b0d8a6ac-2120-497e-8fd5-ac240b524312}
Purpose Classify object for AR-Content translation.
Version -

Use this classification to specify the translation of AR-Content relative to a given origin. In case of Direct Augmentation, the AR-Content is translated relative to the AR-Marker coordinate system´s origin.

AR-Marker Coordinate System
AR-Marker Coordinate System


Name Data type Comment
TRANSLATIONX Double Offset of the augmented content relative to the object´s geographic position or AR-Marker along the x-axis in meter.
TRANSLATIONY Double Offset of the augmented content relative to the object´s geographic position or AR-Marker along the y-axis in meter.
TRANSLATIONZ Double Offset of the augmented content relative to the object´s geographic position or AR-Marker along the z-axis in meter.

See also