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A Replication Configuration object enables the user to configure the replication mechanism (copying) for objects. The mechanism provides the possibility to configure and control the detailed replication behavior as:

  • Definition of the object types to be copied
  • Definition of the list of properties to be regarded for a certain type
  • Definition of the values to be copied
  • Customization of a single copy process (of the object itself and of a single property value)


The mechanism can also copy objects referring to the source object and, if configured accordingly, sets the reference of the newly created object to the newly created reference target. A Reference Configuration object allows the

  • Definition whether the copying should create a new target object or refer to the same target as the source object (valid for forward References only)
  • Definition of the References to be copied
  • Customization of the copy process of a Reference (possibility to cancel)


The mechanism can also copy relation data objects referring to the source object and, if configured accordingly, sets the relation for the newly created object. A Relation Configuration object allows the

  • Definition whether the copying of a relation should create a new child or should relate to the same as for the template
  • Customization of the copy process of a Relation Data (possibility to cancel)


For copying document objects it is possible to configure

  • Whether the copying system will create a local copy of the physical (file)document
  • Customization of the copy process of a Document (possibility to cancel)

Configuration objects

There are different configuration objects available, each for a certain purpose:

See also