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RESTPost (Activity)

This activity is used to create a new resource on a server and performs an "Post" operation using any web service.



Name RESTPost
Purpose Create a new resource on a server using the UBIK USAM Service
Category UBIK Web
Returns true if successful
Version 3.5.0+


Argument Type Direction Purpose
Body String In Contains information wich is sent to the server
DisplayName String Display's the name
Error String Out Display's error message, appears when something is wrong with your request
Headers Dictionary<String, String> In Authentication and providing information
MethodName String In Name of the method
Parameter String[] In Refers to one of the pieces of data provided as input
Response String Out Data sent back to you
Result String Out Result data sent back to you
Url String In Specified Url


Use this activity to create a new "Post" resource on any server using the UBIK Content service.


Exemplary values using RESTPost to get Hierarchy details from UBIK Content service.

A+B Assign Value
DisplayName Assign
To args
Value New UBIK.Service.DTO.V211.HierarchyDeltaArguments()
A+B Assign Value
DisplayName Assign
To args.StartingPoint
Value New UBIK.Service.DTO.V211.HierarchyRoot()
A+B Assign Value
DisplayName Assign
To args.ChildrenDepth
Value 1
A+B Assign Value
DisplayName Assign
To authToken
Value "e1191c36-2081-4ffe-8d8e-4b798d4523a1"
RESTPost Value
Body args
DisplayName RESTPost<BCHierarchyDeltaShipments,HierarchyDeltaArguments>
MethodName "GetHierarchyDeltasV212"
Parameter New String(){"APP_MT","CXT_MT",authToken,"264"}
Result result
Url ""

See also

Useful Links [What is REST Service]