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Revision as of 07:36, 15 October 2013 by JKN (Talk | contribs) (Data Types)


In UBIK®, a MetaProperty describes a single feature of a certain MetaClass. A MetaProperty will never hold own values, but it serves as a definition for a resulting BaseProperty on a derived ContentClass.

For enhanced reuse, MetaProperties can be organized in a Pool and linked to many MetaClasses, using the Systemrelation MetaProperty

Data Types

A MetaProperty needs to have a data type that determines which kind of data should be stored in it. The following data types are supported by UBIK®:



A boolean value that can be either True or false


A serialized stream of bytes, non human readable.

Source Code

A compressed text value, typically used to store texts with lots of white spaces and formatting information, such as source code.


Date and time in a combined value, where the actual format is depending on the cultural/regional settings of the machine.

Floating point

Double-precision floating-point format, optionally with unit of measurement that can be configured with the setting Unit item.

File reference

A path to a physical file in DOS/Windows- or UNC notation.

Geo Data

Absolute geographic position combined of Longitude, Latitude and Altitude in WGS84 format.


A pointer to another object, represented with the GUID of the target object.


An integer number.


A string value.


Markup text in XML format.


A MetaProperty can be configured with various additional options which are described in the following.

String Length



Selective List

Unit Item


Value Validation

Needs Validation

Default value

The default value of a MetaProperty defines which value will be delivered by a property if it doesn't have an own value set.

Initial value

The initial value of a MetaProperty defines which value will be set to the property initially when a new instance of it is created. Once the value is changed, the initial value is lost for this instance.

Index Keys

Index Count

Index Type

Bytestream Type


Editing a MetaProperty

Once a MetaProperty is used on a single MetaClass editing of properties is restricted to properties that may not effect data validity. The System uses a Rule to validate the edited properties and creates a RuleViolation whenever a "locked" property is edited. Following properties may not be changed/edited for a "used" MetaProperty:

  • Name
  • PropertyType

Released To LiveMode

A MetaProperty is marked as released to live mode when:

Editing a released MetaProperty is restricted to properties that have no effect on the released table structure. The System uses a Rule to validate the edited properties and creates a RuleViolation whenever a "locked" property is edited. Following properties may not be changed/edited for a released MetaProperty:

  • Name
  • PropertyType
  • StringLen
  • Multilanguage
  • Indexcount
  • Serialize
  • NeedsValidation
  • IndexType

See also