Last modified on 7 January 2025, at 15:09


This command is used to open a dialog for editing a property.

It is located on the ContentViewModel, and as such can be used from the UI of an object to edit its MetaProperties.

IC Attention.pngNote that a Save and Commit on the ContentViewModel is automatically triggered once the edit is confirmed.
IC Hint square.pngIf your usecase requires that the property change is not automatically saved, instead use the (PropertyViewModel).ShowEditorCommand / .PropertyClickedCommand to trigger the edit dialogue of a specific MetaProperty.

Command Properties

  • ID: String. The ID of the property to be edited.
  • ScanToInput: bool. If this is false (default) a textbox for editing is shown. If true, a scan dialog appears, that allows to scan a barcode.


<Button Command="{Binding EditPropertyValueCommand}" Text="ScanToEdit">
                        <uc:KeyValueParameter Key="ID" Value="TEXT_READWRITE" />
                        <uc:KeyValueParameter Key="ScanToInput" Value="true" />